Thursday, July 12, 2007


On Tuesday night we camped in another little village right on the shore of the St. Lawrence Gulf, which by now is really just the Atlantic on the way north part of New Foundland. About dusk, after we had eaten an all American meal of burgers, pasta salad, and baked beans, we set off moose hunting. We didn't manage to bag one, but we did find some incredible plants at the moose viewing spot. I have no clue what they are called, but I thought them so unusual. The ground, which I would call tundra I guess, was covered with a spongy mossy carpet of various shades of green, red, and kind of a purple burgundy.

I tried not to step on any of the little beauties as I crept up to snap these pictures.

These iris grow with wild abandon along the highway. We had iris along the porch on our house when I was a kid, and I really love them. Their simple perfection and deep coloring make them one of my very favorite flowers.

Yesterday morning dawned wet, dreary and foggy. This is a shot of the little village across the bay where we approached a fisherman the night before and bought a fresh cod for $1.50 pound. Can't wait to cook it!

We drove many miles through this type of fog, Ernie expertly pulling the RV and keeping us on the road through hill and dale, curve and straightaway, and I, also expertly I might add, gripping the armrest on the truck door and silently praying for safety. We worried about Richard and Bev behind us, as this truck and rig are relatively new to them and I know they were a bit nervous. But we made it

and emerged from the fog into bright sunlight and blue skies and temps in the perfect range of 70-72. We took a break for lunch at this little rest stop, and I amused myself, as usual, by climbing on the rocks down by the shore. If they don't see me they always know where to look. I'm getting my ocean fix!

Here Ernie is waiting for his ship to come in! Actually, he is bound and determined to be the first one to spot a whale, so he needs to scan the ocean at every opportunity.

We drove on, through absolutely awesome scenery. We haven't discovered the reason for these gardens, but along the full length of the highway from south to north we found these gardens in the ditches, often fenced in with sections of small trees. A couple even had a bench or a chair for a weary gardener to rest on between rows, and some sported frightening scarecrows.
The afternoon drive was very pleasant and I was getting so excited to finally be near our final destination in the very tip top north of New Foundland.

And finally there it was! The little village of Quirpon, sitting on the very edge of the north land. Ernie said I was as excited as a little kid finding candy as I oohed and awed and exclaimed over every sight as we rounded each corner or crested each hill. And this land is true eye candy. It is so beautiful! I love the simplicity of the little homes, the freshness of the air, the picturesque hill villages, and the mighty powerful ocean.
And one of the most exciting events of the day was the sight of our first icebergs!
More pictures to come later.

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