Friday, July 20, 2007


Wednesday afternoon we went on a boat tour that we had seen advertised in all the tourist information. It was at Western Brook, and was listed as a fjord tour. Well, it's actually an inland lake that at one time was probably connected with the ocean and was truly a fjord. It was an absolutely lovely trip.....after you got there. There is a huge parking lot along the highway, then a 3.5 km path/boardwalk to get to the lake and the tour! We love to hike, so it wasn't a problem for us, but some people don't or can't walk that far so it becomes a real trial for them. Parents were carrying children, and there were a couple of strollers on the part gravel trail, and we saw one motorized wheelchair. The trip was well worth the 45 minute walk, however. It was 2 hours long and took us way back into the winding canyon. The views were fantastic! See for yourselves.............

Then, of course, was the 3.5 km hike back again. This was the last boat trip of the day, and I found it interesting that all the paying customers were walking back and were passed on the trail by two gators carrying all the workers! And they refuse to give anyone a ride! I think they should offer rides to those that may need them, or at least stay off the trail until the last of their customers have reached the parking lot. There are many people who can't enjoy this trip because of the limited access.

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