Wednesday, May 16, 2007


We have been really busy for the past week or more. Our time has been filled with visiting kids and grandkids, 2 preschool graduations, 2 Confirmations, a trip to the Cities and wedding dress shopping with our grandaughter, graduation at the college where I worked, a trip to see our son and family east of the Cities, a get together for my mom for Mothers Day, and lunch yesterday with one of my oldest and dearest friends. Boy, for retired people we sure do keep on the go! But I say that's what keeps us feeling young and healthy. Most of the people down in Florida where we spent most of the winter were so old! All they ever talked about was what was hurting that day, and the table prayer at the Tuesday pot-lucks was mostly a prayer for those who were sick in bed or were hospitalized. Our plan is to keep busy and thus to keep healthy.

Right now we are checking into satellite internet. There is a special going on for purchase and installation at a nicely reduced price, and the monthly charge is $59. That's a lot compared to our old DSL connection, but hey, we're mobile now and not connected by a phone line. And I figure we've spent more than $59 in the last month going to coffee shops and eating lunch at places that offer free wireless. We haven't connected yet with someone in this area who installs it, but we have a call coming from the company to give us options. I hope we can get it done before we leave here the first part of June. Until then, it's Dunn Bros!

I pulled a real ooops this past weekend. We were headed east of the Cities to our oldest son and daughter-in-love's place to go to church and attend communion with their oldest son, our grandson, who was confirmed the week before when we were at another grandson's Confirmation. We packed lightly, just for overnight, but I remembered my dress shoes and a a sweater/shrug to wear with my dress on Sunday. BUT, I forgot the dress! So us gals were forced to go shopping while the hubby, son and the two boys went golfing. We had a nice time, found clothes on sale, and solved my problem of no clothes for church. I was accused of purposely forgetting my dress so I could get something new. Well, it wasn't on purpose, but it's an idea for another time, isn't it?

The rest of the week ahead is looking to be busy too. Tonight we're invited to our daughter and son-in-love's for dinner, Friday night is dinner with hubby's two brothers who live in this area, and Sunday is installation at church for our new second pastor. Seems every activity is connected with a dinner or lunch, and we need to get back on the road so we can eat a bit healthier. But it's sure fun to get together with everyone we've missed so much these past 4 months!

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