Saturday, January 20, 2007


This morning we were up and out of the house by 8:45. We picked up the gal next door and drove out of the campground and down the highway a short way to the Base Rec Center. There were about 20 of us retirees reporting for duty as volunteer workers for the morning. The purpose of the cleanup day was to pass the upcoming inspection. We were briefed on the jobs they hoped to get finished today, then split up into crews and off we went to work. Most of the men went outdoors to rake, haul lumber, and do the manly jobs of lifting and moving the heavy items. Us women stayed indoors and started in on the rental equipment room. I took on the task of organizing life vests, flippers and goggles. The life vests were to be lined up along the shelf, blue, green, pink, then yellow. That was pretty simple, and I finished quickly and moved on to the flippers. They were stored in cubby holes in a shelving unit, and were all mixed up, one blue XL with one pink S, or two purples, one S and one L. I washed each cubby hole before storing them away in order, by color, and then by size within color. The last task was just to straighten out the goggles, again arranging them by color and size. This is the type of thing I like to do, organize. (Yes, I store my spices in alphabetical order.) The work wasn't very difficult, and we finished in about two and a half hours. Many hands makes light work.

We then found out that they were going to treat us to lunch so we sat and visited until the manager arrived with the stack of pizza boxes and drink cartons. They thanked us and told us that on a nice day in the near future they would invite us back for a pontoon boat ride over to Shell Island. All in all, I think we volunteers came out ahead......lunch and an afternoon trip in the bay in exchange for a couple of hours of pretty easy work.

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