Wednesday, January 03, 2007


We went down to the beach this afternoon to take a walk along the shore. It was a mess! Pieces of wood, broken shells, beer cans, a jacket, a towel, 4 pairs of sun glasses, 3 dried up jelly fish, bones, assorted claws and jaws, fishing line, pieces of plastic, a fork, suntan lotion bottle, and many other items had been tossed up from the depths of the gulf unto the beautiful white sand on the shore. It was ugly. The beach is always so clean, so there must have been unusual wind and waves to create such a line of junk along the high tide line. The pictures below are the usual sights we see, not this one on the right.


  1. My sister said you should look for sea glass after a big wind. It is weird to me how wind on top of the water can affect so much so far BELOW the water. Actually, more amazing to me I guess.

  2. The only glass we found was recently tossed beer bottles, not yet broken up and smoothed into the sea glass treasures that we're looking for. We'll keep looking though!
